

Finding your tent at a festival can be a challenging task, especially if you are in a large camping area with lots of tents. Glastonbury is a prime example of how thousands of tents can be litterlaly squeezed into a few sq. km’s and finding your tent when you have participated in a drink or two can be nigh on impossible.

We have listed some rather obvious and less obvious ways you can use to help locate your tent.

Embracing Smart Technology

GPS tracker

GPS trackers are small, portable devices that use Global Positioning System (GPS) signals to determine their exact location. They’ve become increasingly accessible and affordable, making them a game-changer for festival-goers who want to stay connected and organized

  1. The GPS Tracker Advantage

The primary advantage of using GPS trackers is accuracy. These devices can pinpoint your tent’s location with incredible precision. This means no more wandering around aimlessly or relying on vague landmarks. With a GPS tracker, you can navigate directly to your tent without any hassle.

2. How It Works

Attach a GPS tracker to your tent or its surroundings. Many trackers come with smartphone apps that allow you to monitor their location in real-time. Whenever you need to find your tent, simply open the app, and it will guide you with step-by-step directions.

3. Peace of Mind

One of the biggest worries at festivals is losing your belongings or, worse, your tent. GPS trackers offer peace of mind by ensuring you always know where your tent is located. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the festivities without the constant concern of losing your campsite.

4. Convenience in the Crowds

Festival grounds can get crowded, especially near popular stages or attractions. With a GPS tracker, you can confidently navigate through the masses, knowing that you’re headed in the right direction. This saves time and energy, so you can focus on enjoying the event.

5. Group Coordination

Attending the festival with a group of friends? GPS trackers can be a fantastic way to stay connected. If your group decides to split up and explore different areas, trackers ensure that everyone can easily find their way back to the designated meeting point or campsite.

6. Battery Life Consideration

While GPS trackers offer incredible convenience, it’s essential to consider battery life. Make sure your tracker is fully charged before heading to the festival and bring a portable charger to keep it powered throughout the event.

7. Tips for Using GPS Trackers

  • Secure Attachment: Ensure the GPS tracker is securely attached to your tent or campsite to prevent it from getting lost.
  • App Familiarization: Familiarize yourself with the tracking app before the festival, so you can navigate it easily when you’re on-site.
  • Backup Methods: While GPS trackers are reliable, it’s wise to have backup methods in place, such as marking your campsite with distinctive decorations or using other location-sharing apps.

Click here to find a wide selection of GPS trackers here for all budgets for both Android and Apple devices.


Use a GPS tracking app

Attending a festival is an exciting experience that many people look forward to each year. However, finding your tent after a long day of activities can be a daunting task, especially if you are in a large campsite with thousands of tents. Fortunately, there is a modern solution to help you locate your tent quickly and easily: using a GPS tracking app. Here are some reasons why you should consider using a GPS tracking app to find your tent at a festival.

  1. Convenience

Using a GPS tracking app is a convenient and easy way to locate your tent. Most smartphones have built-in GPS capabilities, and there are many apps available that can help you navigate your way back to your tent. Simply turn on the app, mark your tent’s location, and follow the app’s directions to find your way back.

  1. Accuracy

GPS tracking apps are accurate and reliable, making them an excellent tool for finding your tent. They use satellite technology to pinpoint your location and guide you to your destination. This means that you can avoid getting lost in a sea of tents and spend more time enjoying the festival.

  1. Customization

Many GPS tracking apps allow you to customize your location marker. This means that you can add a unique identifier to your tent’s location, such as a photo or a note, to help you find it easily. You can also share your location with friends and family, making it easier to find each other in the festival grounds.

  1. Peace of mind

Using a GPS tracking app can give you peace of mind while attending a festival. You no longer have to worry about losing your way or spending hours searching for your tent. Instead, you can focus on enjoying the festival and making memories with friends and family.

Some festivals offer GPS tracking apps that allow you to locate your tent using your smartphone, but if not we would recommned OsmAnd on both Android and iPhones. This app allows you to use navigational services within the app offline which is a must have especially at massive festivals like Glastonbury where people complain year after year that there is no signal or data availability on their mobile phones.






The app is relatively simple to use. Simply open the map and long press on your location when your at your tent. Then press ‘add’.


Tent finder app


Next screen will allow you to name this waypoint, simply rename ‘my tent’ or something as simple to find in your app then press save. You can modify the symbol/colour and also the of the group that this waypoint sits in.


Tent finder app instructions


Once saved you can now access the waypoint by selecting the 3 bars in the bottom left hand side of the screen.


Tent finder app instructions


Once selected you will open a menu. Simply select ‘My Places’ from the options.


Tent finder app instructions


Once selected you will be taken to another menu. Select the group and waypoint you previously entered earlier for your tent waypoint.


Tent finder app instructions


Once selected this will be highlighted on the main map screen. Now to get directions to your tent simply press the navigation button in the bottom right hand corner.


Tent finder app instructions



Once you have pressed the navigation button then simply follow your navigation as you would with any sat nav app as below.


Tent finder app instructions



Other Traditional Ways to Find Your Tent


Use a flag or a totem


flags for tents at festivals


If you’ve ever been to a festival, you know how difficult it can be to find your tent in a sea of similar-looking structures. While noting landmarks and unique features around your tent can certainly help, there are other traditional methods that can help you find your way back to your spot. One such method is to use a flag or a totem.

Using a flag or a totem is a time-honored tradition at festivals. It’s a simple, yet effective way to mark your spot and make your tent stand out in a crowd. Here’s why and how you should use a flag or a totem to find your tent.

  1. It makes your tent stand out

Using a flag or a totem makes your tent stand out from the rest. When you’re looking for your tent, all you have to do is look for your flag or totem. It’s an easy way to spot your tent in a sea of identical structures.

  1. It’s easy to carry and set up

A flag or a totem is easy to carry and set up. All you need is a long pole and a flag or an object that can be easily seen from a distance. Once you’ve found your spot, simply stick the pole into the ground next to your tent and raise your flag or totem. It’s a quick and easy way to mark your spot.

  1. It’s customizable

Another great thing about using a flag or a totem is that it’s customizable. You can choose any design or object that represents you or your group. You can even make your own flag or totem and personalize it with your name, your group’s name, or any other information you want to display.

  1. It’s a great way to meet people

Using a flag or a totem is also a great way to meet people. When others see your flag or totem, they may come up to you and strike up a conversation. It’s a fun way to make new friends and connect with like-minded people.

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Memorize the surroundings

How Noting Landmarks and Unique Features Around Your Tent Can Help You Find It at a Festival

Finding your tent in a sea of identical tents can be a daunting task at a festival, especially when the site is constantly changing as more tents get pitched by the minute. However, taking note of landmarks and unique features around your tent can make all the difference in helping you find your way back to your spot. Here’s why and how noting these features can help you find your tent.

  1. It helps you recognize your surroundings

When you first arrive at the festival and pitch your tent, take a moment to note any landmarks or unique features around your tent that you can remember easily. It could be a tree, a specific color of a neighboring tent, or any other distinct feature. By doing this, you’ll be able to recognize your surroundings and orient yourself when you come back to your tent.

  1. It helps you avoid getting lost

Taking note of landmarks and unique features around your tent can also help you avoid getting lost. When you’re exploring the festival, pay attention to the surroundings and try to remember the features that you noted around your tent. This will help you navigate back to your tent more easily and avoid wasting precious time wandering around.

  1. It helps you identify your tent

Noting landmarks and unique features around your tent can also help you identify your tent. When you’re looking for your tent, keep an eye out for the landmarks and features that you noted earlier. This will help you narrow down your search and find your tent more quickly.

  1. It’s important to keep updating your notes

However, it’s important to keep updating your notes as the festival goes on. With more tents getting pitched and people moving around, the landmarks and unique features around your tent may change. So, make sure to keep updating your notes and take note of any changes around your tent.


Use a distinctive tent


Why Using a Distinctive or Unique Tent Can Make All the Difference at a Festival

When you’re at a festival, finding your tent in a sea of identical tents can be a daunting task. But with a little creativity and some forethought, you can make your tent stand out from the rest and avoid getting lost in the crowd. Here’s why using a distinctive or unique tent can make all the difference at a festival.

  1. It’s easier to spot

The most obvious benefit of using a distinctive or unique tent is that it’s easier to spot in a sea of tents. If you opt for a plain or generic tent, you may find yourself wandering around aimlessly trying to find your spot. But if you decorate your tent with flags, lights, or other eye-catching items, you’ll be able to spot it from a distance and save yourself a lot of time and frustration.

  1. It reflects your personality

Using a distinctive or unique tent is also a great way to express your personality and make your campsite feel like home. Whether you opt for a bright and colorful tent, a quirky design, or a custom-made creation, your tent can be a reflection of who you are and what you love.

  1. It makes it easier for friends to find you

If you’re camping with a group of friends, using a distinctive or unique tent can also make it easier for them to find you. By decorating your tent in a distinctive way, your friends will be able to spot your campsite from a distance and easily locate you.

  1. It’s less likely to get stolen

Another benefit of using a distinctive or unique tent is that it’s less likely to get stolen. If you opt for a generic or cheap tent, there may be thousands of other festival-goers with the same tent, making it harder to distinguish yours from the rest. But if you have a distinctive or unique tent, it will be easier to identify as yours and less likely to be stolen.


Take Photo’s

When you’re at a festival, the last thing you want to do is spend hours wandering around trying to find your tent. With thousands of people and hundreds of tents, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of festival-goers. But don’t worry, there’s a simple trick to help you locate your tent quickly and easily: take a photo!

Taking a photo of your tent’s location and surroundings is a simple yet effective way to remember where your tent is. Here are some tips to make the most of this strategy:

  1. Take a photo when you first arrive

As soon as you arrive at the festival and set up your tent, take a photo of the location and surroundings. This will help you remember where your tent is located in relation to other tents, landmarks, and stages.

  1. Take a photo from different angles

Take multiple photos of your tent from different angles. This will help you recognize your tent from a distance, no matter which direction you’re coming from.

  1. Mark your tent with distinctive items

To make your tent even easier to find, mark it with distinctive items such as a flag, balloons, or string lights. When you take a photo, make sure these items are visible so you can easily spot your tent in a sea of similar-looking tents.

  1. Use your photo as a reference point

When you’re exploring the festival, refer back to your photo frequently to remind yourself of where your tent is located. This will help you avoid getting lost and wasting precious time wandering around.

  1. Use a navigation app

If you’re still having trouble finding your tent, use a navigation app to guide you back to your spot. Many festivals have their own apps that include maps and GPS features, making it easy to locate your tent no matter where you are.


Use a friend

Attending a festival with friends is always a great experience. It’s a time to create memories, enjoy live music, and immerse yourself in a vibrant and festive atmosphere. However, one common issue that festival-goers often face is the difficulty in finding their tents in a sea of identical structures. While there are several traditional ways to find your tent, using a friend can be an effective and practical method. Here’s why and how you should use a friend to find your tent at a festival.

  1. It’s a team effort

One of the benefits of camping with friends is that it’s a team effort. By making sure that everyone knows the location of each other’s tents, you can help each other find your tents if anyone gets lost. It’s always easier to find your way back when you have a friend by your side.

  1. It’s a safety net

Using a friend as a means to find your tent is also a safety net. Festivals can get chaotic, and it’s easy to get separated from your group. Knowing that you have a friend who knows the location of your tent can give you peace of mind and reduce any anxiety or stress you may feel.

  1. It’s an opportunity to bond

Finally, using a friend to find your tent is also an opportunity to bond. You and your friends can work together to find your way back to your tent and create new memories along the way. It’s a chance to strengthen your friendship and create a deeper connection.