taking-children to a fetsival guide


Taking your children to weekend festivals can be an excellent opportunity for some family fun and bonding. It can also be a little overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time taking your children to such an event. Here are some more detailed tips to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.

Experiencing new things at festivals can often feature a range of activities, performances, and cultural experiences that your child may not encounter in their everyday life. This can help broaden their horizons and expose them to new ideas and cultures.

Festivals also provide an opportunity for families to spend quality time together away from the distractions of daily life. This can strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. They also offer a chance for children to interact with other kids and develop social skills. They may make new friends, learn how to interact with people from different backgrounds, and gain confidence in social situations.

Learning opportunities are present at festivals and can be educational for children, offering opportunities to learn about history, science, and culture. Many festivals offer hands-on activities, workshops, and educational displays that can enhance your child’s learning experience.

Exposure to music and the arts can have a positive impact on children’s development, including enhancing cognitive skills, boosting creativity, and improving communication skills. Festivals offer a chance for children to experience live music, dance, theater, and visual arts in a fun and engaging way.

Festivals are held outdoors and offer opportunities for children to engage in physical activities, such as games, sports, and dancing. This can help promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage children to be active.

Choose a family-friendly festival

One of the most important things to consider is the type of festival you want to attend. Some festivals may not be suitable for young children, so it’s essential to do your research ahead of time. Look for festivals that have a specific focus on family-friendly activities, such as games, face painting, and crafts. Also, consider the festival’s overall vibe and make sure it aligns with what you think your child would enjoy.

Pack accordingly

Festivals can be long and tiring, so it’s important to pack everything you’ll need to keep your children comfortable and happy. Make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, hats, and water to keep your family hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, pack comfortable clothing and shoes that you and your children can wear for an extended period. Consider bringing a stroller or wagon to make it easier to transport everything you need.

Plan your schedule

Check the festival schedule ahead of time and plan your day around activities that your child would enjoy. Take into consideration the age and interests of your child when deciding what events to attend. Plan breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. You don’t want to over-exert your child, especially if it’s a hot day or if there are a lot of people around.

Bring snacks

Festivals can be expensive, and the lines for food and drinks can be long. Therefore, it’s a good idea to pack some healthy snacks for your child to avoid hunger and crankiness. Pack some easy-to-carry snacks such as granola bars, fruit, or crackers.

Keep safety in mind

It’s crucial to establish a meeting spot in case you get separated from your child. Make sure your child knows your phone number and can identify festival staff or security in case they need help. Encourage your child to stay close to you and not wander off.

Have fun

Remember that festivals are supposed to be fun! Relax and enjoy the experience with your child, and make some memories that you’ll both cherish. Take photos, enjoy the music, and participate in any activities that interest you and your child.

Tips for taking children to festivals

Bring entertainment

While there will likely be plenty of activities and events for your children to enjoy, it’s always a good idea to bring some extra entertainment. Pack some books, toys, or coloring books to keep your child entertained during downtime or while waiting in lines.

Dress appropriately

Make sure to dress your child appropriately for the weather and the festival environment. Wear comfortable clothes that your child can move around in easily. If it’s hot, opt for light-colored clothing and a hat to keep the sun off their face. If it’s cool, bring jackets or sweaters to keep them warm. Also, make sure to dress them in bright or distinctive clothing so that you can easily spot them in a crowd.

Consider ear protection

Festivals can be loud, and it’s important to protect your child’s ears from potentially damaging noise levels. Consider bringing noise-canceling headphones or earplugs for your child to wear during particularly loud events, such as concerts or fireworks displays.

Plan for bathroom breaks

Festivals can be crowded, and bathroom lines can be long. Plan ahead and make sure your child goes to the bathroom before the lines get too long. Bring wet wipes and hand sanitizer to keep your child clean and germ-free.

Be patient

Festivals can be chaotic and overwhelming, and it’s important to remain patient and calm. Expect delays and lines, and try to remain flexible with your plans. Your child may get tired or cranky, so be prepared to take breaks and adjust your schedule as needed.

Involve your children in the planning

Get your children excited about the festival by involving them in the planning process. Show them the festival website and let them pick out some activities or events they would like to attend. This will help them feel invested in the experience and give them something to look forward to.

Bring cash

While some festivals may accept credit cards or mobile payments, it’s always a good idea to bring cash. This will make it easier to purchase food, drinks, and souvenirs without having to worry about payment methods.

Be mindful of the sun

Festivals are often held outdoors, so it’s important to protect your child from the sun. Make sure to apply sunscreen regularly and bring hats and sunglasses to protect their face and eyes.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration can be a serious issue, especially during hot summer festivals. Bring plenty of water and encourage your child to drink regularly throughout the day. You may also want to bring electrolyte-rich drinks, such as sports drinks, to help replenish lost fluids.

Be prepared for the unexpected

Despite your best planning, unexpected things can happen at festivals. Be prepared for things like sudden weather changes, medical emergencies, or lost items. Keep a first aid kit and emergency contacts on hand, and make sure your child knows what to do if they get separated from you.

By following these additional tips, you can ensure that your family’s festival experience is safe, fun, and enjoyable. Remember to take lots of photos and make some lasting memories with your children!